Pavilion Sponsorship

We are very grateful to our incredible donors and we thoroughly appreciate their support.

Pavilion Naming Opportunities

There are still opportunities to leave your legacy on our brand new Pavilion.

Click here for more details.

Pavilion Naming            $2,000,000

Team Locker Room      $250,000

Rooftop Terrace            $200,000

Red Zone                      $100,000

Gifts of $25,000 or More

Players’ Lounge


Gifts of $10,000 or More

Offensive Coordinator Office

Defensive Coordinator Office

Coaches Locker Room

Therapy Room

Quarterback Meeting Room

Film Room

For more information please contact:

Chris Moulton, Senior Development Manager, Athletics and Student Affairs, University of Guelph

(Office) 519.824.4120 x 53170, (Mobile) 226.821.3394,

Named Spaces


Head Coach's Office

In honour of Tom Dimitroff Sr.


Entrance and Lobby

Mark Durigon, Nick Fitzgibbon

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Bill Laidlaw


Defensive Line Meeting Room

In honour of the Defensive Line of 1996 – Yates Cup Champions

Chris Camboia, Brian Cluff, Brent Dallimore, Dave Gemin, Jeremy Oxley,  Bill Vastis


Running Backs Meeting Room

In honour of David Lane

Allan E. Baker, Patricia Bereza, Robert A. Cooke, Dan E. Cornwell, Fred Dunbar, Frederick, T.J. Flieler, Rudy Florio, Paul W. Gilson, Daniel R. Hilborn, David J. Hutton, Peter E. Johnson, Melvin L. Laforme, John A. Lesko, James A. Lively, Daniel L. Maloney, Bruce K. Ravensdale, Gregory W. Scheifele, Shari-Lee M. Srigley, Michael Telepchuk, Donald F. Westlake, One Anonymous Donor


Offensive Line Meeting Room

In honour of Harold and Jeanne MacDonald

Michael MacDonald

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Equipment Room

In honour of Tony D’Angelo

Dan Tocher, Tyson Beach, Don Murray, Nathan Body, frank marof, Mark Beattie, brett mccallum, George Bortolato, Bill Brown, Stephen Burns, John Casasanta, Robert Di Gravio, Rob Emery, Jeff Feagan, Nicholas Gallo, David Irwin, Rob Kitching, Michael Knighton, Michael Ruthven, Brent Siemens, Peter Simpson, Charles Sims, Ryan Sydor, Robert Wesseling, 3 Anonymous Donors

Dick Brown Coaches’ Bullpen

The University of Guelph is pleased to recognize the many accomplishments and contributions of former U of G football coach Dick Brown with an honourific naming in the new Football Pavilion. Dick Brown was coach of the football program from 1968 to 1979.

Brown was described as a player’s coach, a gentleman’s gentleman. “His players would go through a wall for him and he was held in such high esteem by everyone”, recalls Bud Folusewych. Brown’s son Mark says Dick considered the players part of his family. “He was in the pursuit of victory at all times, but with respect for the game.” Dick retired in early 1990 and passed away in 2000.

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Alumni Plaques: The Red Zone

Our Red Zone room is where our Alumni are able to gather together to watch our home games. This room is now decorated with three bronze metal plaques to recognize those who were pivotal in making the Pavilion look and function as great as it does. Thank you to James Savoie, Luke Nangle, Randy Dimitroff, Robert Kitching, and Jeff Volpe. Your support and contribution is very much appreciated! 

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